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Create a New Ride Illinois Mileage Log User Name

Create your new user name following the steps below:

  • User name. Use this to create a unique user name that you will use to login. This name must contain only alpha characters and/or numbers, no spaces, no special characters and must be 20 characters or less. The user name is NOT case sensitive. Once created, you may not change this user name though you may create additional user names if, for example, you wish to keep track of group training miles using one user name and solo training miles using another user name. But miles logged under one name will not be combined with any other user name.
  • Password.Create a password that you will use to login. The password must contain only alpha characters and/or numbers, no spaces or special characters are allowed and the password must be 10 characters or less. This password is NOT case sensitive.
  • Email address. We need this in the event that you need to change your password or we need to contact you regarding maintenance of this mileage log. It will not be sold to anyone else or used for purposes other than this mileage log. We hate spam as much as you do.
  • Mother's maiden name (or other code). Traditionally, your mother's maiden name is requested by web sites to confirm your identity but you may enter whatever information you choose in this field as long as you can remember it. You will need this information in the event you need to recover your password. The name or code you enter must contain only alpha characters, no spaces, no special characters and must be 25 characters or less.
  • State and City.

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Revised 2015-10-28
Lee Pirtle, 2007-11-20